Applications for MArCH Co-op are closed for 2024-2025.

Hello!  Thank you for your interest in MArCH Co-op!  MArCH Co-op meets on Fridays at 9 AM to 2:40 PM in a church near downtown McKinney with families doing lunch together on campus.

We are a true co-op where the parent serves every hour that his/her children are in class. New families are also asked to be a part of clean up or set up.Through the Co-op Program, we offer a variety of parent taught classes ranging in age from birth through 12th grade.  One of your children must be school age to attend. The classes vary from one semester to a year long. They can be credit or elective type classes. 

We are currently FULL, but in the Fall, we will offer tours to our MArCH members. When the Co-op schedules tours, MArCH members will receive an email called MArCH Co-op Tour Sign-up through the MArCH general chat. 

 When you sign up for a tour, this can be considered the beginning of the MArCH Co-op application process, but does not guarantee availability.

In the Spring, we will know how many spots we have available for the following fall and will be reaching out to families who are members of MArCH and have already completed a tour.  For more information about the MArCH Co-op,  email

You must first become a MArCH general member before applying to Co-op. You must complete a tour as apart of the application process.

For more information about the MArCH Co-op,  email